This report investigated the opportunities and challenges for local food procurement by mining companies in Mozambique and Tanzania. The aim of the research was to identify factors that create a 'win-win' local food procurement policy for mining companies and local farmers in two case studies. An analytical framework for the project was derived from definitions of 'local' in the literature, to distinguish between three levels of local procurement: (1) From the immediate vicinity of the mine ('local' local) (2) From the region or province (subnational) (3) From within the country's borders (national) Despite the similarities of the two coal mines in neighbouring countries, the case studies revealed how different the opportunities and challenges for local food procurement are in each specific context. Three contextual factors relating to the location of the mines were identified as relevant: - Accessibility of the mine to air and road transportation - Proximity of the mine to a large urban centre - Proximity of the mine to other mines in the region Factors identified that were within the control of mining companies were: - Including local procurement and employment conditions in contracts with catering services and close monitoring of subcontractors in this regard - Implementing a local employment and skills development policy, as local workers seemed more amenable to eating local food than ex-pat workers - Menu-planning around seasonal produce that is locally available - Decentralising decision-making on food purchases to a local chef or caterer who speaks the local language and has good networks in the community.
Publisher: IM4DC
Region: Africa
Type: Report