This report presents the findings of a survey designed to assess the implications of the completion of mining at Century for Gulf-based businesses and the broader regional economy. It examines the direct and indirect impacts of the mine on suppliers and other businesses in the Gulf, the likely implications of closure, and the future prospects for businesses and the regional economy once mining ends. The report is one of three individual reports that together form the social impact assessment (SIA) commissioned by MMG Ltd to assess the implications for Gulf communities of the closure of Century in 2016. Each of the reports, including this one, have been synthesised into an overall SIA report. The reports will be provided to Century and will also be used to inform the Gulf Communities Agreement (GCA) 15 year review, undertaken by the Century Liaison Advisory Committee (CLAC). The report begins by describing the context for the study, including the economic and business environment in the Gulf of Carpentaria. It then describes the methodology used to inform the assessments made in this report. These include a review of the previous reports on Century, a telephone survey of regional businesses (including 14 contractors and suppliers to Century and 10 other businesses either directly or indirectly related to the mine), semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders (e.g. business groups), and economic data collected from Century, Treasury Queensland and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Subsequent sections of the report examine Century?s contribution to regional business development, including support for Indigenous businesses, the potential implications of closure for Gulf-based businesses, and the future prospects for business and opportunities for Century to leave a positive legacy for business and the Gulf beyond closure in 2016.
Publisher: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Region: Australia
Type: Report
Rogers, P., Collins, N & Everingham, J. (2013) Social aspects of the closure of Century Mine: Impact and Future Prospects for Gulf Business and the Regional Economy, Report CSRM, Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland: Brisbane, Australia.