This report presents the findings from the project Baseline works for mine rehabilitation and closure collaboration, which was commissioned by the Queensland Resources Council and the International Council on Mining and Metals.

The project aims to establish a baseline from which the mining industry can make rehabilitation and PMLU decisions across 4 mining regions: the North West Minerals Province, North Queensland, Bowen Basin and Clarence Moreton/ Surat. In line with project scope, the report provides a high-level assessment of the current landscape rather than detailed analysis of closure and post-closure issues. Information required to understand committed and future potential PMLU options in these four regions has been gathered, the long-term community priorities and planning constraints identified, and research priorities that will support development of beneficial PMLUs established. A literature review was undertaken, covering land use planning, its applicability to selection and implementation of PMLUs, and global mine rehabilitation methods. It identified that most research studies have focused on developing rehabilitation methods that deliver pre-determined outcomes with little investigation of all potential PMLUs. Holcombe and Keenan (2021), however, illustrate that better outcomes are possible.

The importance of this project lies in its novel and holistic approach to post-closure planning. Through understanding community priorities, government development goals, technical feasibility and collaboration opportunities, this approach draws together crucial ingredients for longer-term and more sustainable outcomes for Queensland’s mining regions. Shifting closure thinking from a mine-by-mine basis to a regional context will help stakeholders consider the cumulative impacts of multiple mine closures, adopt a strategic approach to post-closure planning and identify collaborative potential of suitable PMLU options beyond a single mining lease.

Language: English

Publisher: Sustainable Minerals Institute

Region: Australia

Type: Report


Worden, S., Côte, C., Svobodova, K., Arratia-Solar, A., Everingham, J., Asmussen, P., Edraki, M., & Erskine, P. (2021). Baseline works for mine rehabilitation and closure collaboration project. Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland: Brisbane, Australia. doi: 10.14264/6c92886

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Baseline works for mine rehabilitation and closure collaboration project

Baseline works for mine rehabilitation and closure collaboration project