The Rare Earths Research Symposium was held at University of Queensland (UQ) in Brisbane on 31 May, with more than 70 attendees from industry, academia and government to discuss emerging research questions surrounding the full product cycle of rare earths minerals. More than 20 participants travelled from overseas and interstate to attend the event. Rare earths are crucially important elements for modern technologies, including renewable energy generation and storage, energy efficient lights, electric cars and digital electronics, as well as for the aerospace and military applications. The sector is dominated by China which currently produces about 90 per cent of these elements and limits their supply to other countries with strict export quotas.

Language: English

Publisher: The AusIMM Bulletin

Region: Global

Type: Article


Cornish, G., Golev, A., Ali, S.H. (2013) Building momentum on rare earths research and development. The AusIMM Bulletin, no. 5, Oct 2013: 77-78.

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Building momentum on rare earths research and development.

Building momentum on rare earths research and development.