Greater participation of Indigenous women in mining employment provides opportunities for individuals and families to benefit from mining and allows industry to address the gender and diversity agendas, as well as the current skills shortage. However, while there have been several studies about female employment in the mining industry in Australia, few provide substantial data on the employment of Indigenous women, or detail their employment experience. This paper draws on three recent studies conducted by the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM), each of which has involved participation of Indigenous women. The aim of the paper is to outline some of the issues and challenges faced by Indigenous women working in mining, and articulate potential strategies for attracting and retaining Indigenous women across all work roles and levels in mining.
Publisher: SD07: A Climate for Change
Region: Australia
Type: Conference Paper
Parmenter, J. & Kemp, D. 2007. Indigenous Women and Mining Employment in Australia. SD07: A Climate for Change 2007.