Technological innovation in the minerals industry must be driven by the need to improve performance according to social, as well as environmental, safety, efficiency and production criteria. This paper outlines the possibilities and rationale for incorporating constructive technology assessment into technology research and development within the CSIRO Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship (MDU). The paper develops a process of Social License in Design that attempts to address the future social challenges and opportunities of a technology during development by utilising forecasting techniques and accounting for the perspectives and values of decision makers and likely stakeholders. Interviews with senior technologists and social scientists within MDU reveal the institutional context into which the Social License in Design process is to be situated and highlight key factors that may inhibit or enhance its uptake.

Publisher: CSIRO Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship

Region: Australia

Type: Report


Franks, D.M, and Cohen, T. 2011. Investigating constructive technology assessment within the Minerals Down Under Flagship: Interview results. Prepared for CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship, Mineral Futures Cluster Collaboration, by the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland. Brisbane

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Investigating constructive technology assessment within the minerals down under flagship: interview results. ( No. Cluster Research Report 2.2.)

Investigating constructive technology assessment within the minerals down under flagship: interview results. ( No. Cluster Research Report 2.2.)