This report presents the findings of a rapid stakeholder perceptions study conducted for Minera Yanacocha ("Yanacocha") in mid-late August 2012. The urban area of Cajamarca has not been the primary focus of Yanacocha's community engagement and social development activities to date as the company has been more focused on near-mine communities in its 'area of influence'. Therefore, the focus of this research was on the urban area of Cajamarca city.
The objectives of the perceptions study were to:
* understand community perspectives, experiences, stories and views about companycommunity relationship dynamics - both historic and contemporary
* explore the dynamics that have led to entrenched relationship tensions and conflict with Yanacocha
* highlight potential strategies for 're-connecting' with stakeholders in Cajamarca city.
Publisher: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Region: South America
Type: Report
Kemp, D., Owen, J., Cervantes, D., Arbelaez-Ruiz, D., & Benavides Rueda, J. (2013) Listening to the city of Cajamarca. Research Paper, CSRM, Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland: Brisbane, Australia.