A growing number of voluntary regulatory initiatives relevant to the social and environment impact of the mining industry have emerged since the mid-1990s. These have taken a range of forms, including reporting mechanisms, guidance documents, management systems, industry codes of conduct and third party certification schemes. Some of the initiatives are Australian-led (such as the Minerals Council of Australia Codes and Frameworks), while others have emerged as a result of international consultations and activities (such as the International Council of Metals and Mining Sustainable Development Framework). Despite their national or international affiliation, all of the initiatives included in my research have application to mining activities in Australia, or the international activities of Australian minerals companies such as the running of mining operations in other countries, or export-related activities.
Publisher: Regulatory Institutions Network Conference, 7-8 December 2005, ANU, Canberra.
Schiavi, P. 2005. Regulating the Social and Environmental Performance of the Australian Minerals Industry: A Sociological Analysis of Emerging Forms of Governance. Regulatory Institutions Network Conference, 7-8 December 2005, ANU, Canberra.