This report presents the findings of community consultations undertaken as part of a research project for MMG Ltd on the social aspects of closure of the Century Mine. The research was also designed to feed into the 15-year review of the Gulf Communities Agreement (GCA), which was signed in 1997 by native title holders to support the development of the mine in exchange for a range of social and economic benefits. As such the report includes a mix of looking back at how the aspirations contained in the GCA have been met, understanding the contribution the mine has made from a community perspective, and looking forward at opportunities for leaving a positive legacy. The report draws from extensive interviews with residents and organisations from affected communities in the Lower Gulf of Carpentaria including Bidunggu, Lawn Hill, Doomadgee, Burketown, Normanton, Karumba, Mornington Island and Mount Isa, involving a total of 147 individuals and representing some 45 organisations. The majority of participants were Aboriginal (78%). The report begins by outlining project methodology and the overarching themes that emerged in discussions of the GCA aspirations. The sections that follow provide detailed findings, organised under the four groupings of the goals and aspirations contained in the GCA: economic improvements; keeping Aboriginal culture and traditions strong; protecting the land and environment; and social improvements and stronger communities. Later sections record issues particular to some communities, along with submissions from State Government Ministers and Departments. The report concludes with a discussion of opportunities for leaving a positive legacy once zinc and lead production ceases. The report is one of three individual reports that together form the social impact assessment (SIA) commissioned by MMG Ltd to assess the implications for Gulf communities of the closure of Century in 2016. Each of the reports, including this one, have been synthesised into an overall SIA report.
Publisher: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Barnes, R & Collins, N (2013) Social aspects of the closure of Century Mine: Supplement A - Report on Community Consultations, CSRM, Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland: Brisbane, Australia.